Registration fee
Fees and payment details
Registration fee (covering lunch meals on Friday and Saturday):
60 euros or 250 RON per person
Saturday dinner (banquet): 30 euros or 135 RON per person
Sunday field excursion (warm lunch included): 12 euros or 50 RON per person
All fees must be paid by 31st of March, 2014 at the latest.
Please find below two bank accounts for euros (€) and respectively, Romanian Lei (RON) in which to transfer the due amount according to each participant's plan.
Account holder: Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai (UBB), #1 Mihail Kogălniceanu Street,
400084 Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Fiscal code of UBB: 4305849
IBAN (€ only): RO16RNCB0106026604700008, Banca Comercială Română, #10-12 Barițiu Gheorghe Street, Cluj-Napoca; SWIFT Code: RNCBROBU
IBAN (RON only): RO76TREZ216504601X007224, Banca Națională, Trezoreria Cluj Napoca, #19 Avram Iancu Square, Cluj-Napoca; SWIFT Code: TREZROBU
Please be aware of the possible bank commissions that might apply for the service of
money transfer, so that the exact due amount be delivered in the above mentioned
Also, don't forget to specify explicitly on the money transfer form the
following data: your full name, which fees are being paid (registration only, registration
+ Saturday dinner, or registration + Saturday dinner + Sunday excursion) and the event
reference (May 2014 symposium – Plant Biology).
Please send a scanned image of the bank transfer form by e-mail to the symposium
secretariat ( A confirmation e-mail will be sent upon completing
the registration
The registration form filled-in with the required information must be sent electronically to by no later than the 31st of March, 2014.
This information can also be found in the 2nd circular in a pdf form for saving / printing.